Add us to your buyers list
We would love to get your under-contract properties for considerations
What we are looking for?
We are looking for GREAT deals anywhere in Cook county Illinois. We prefer working with motivated sellers.
Property MUST be off market
Any condition OK. Any price range OK. Any number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
Single family homes, condos, town homes, multi-family buildings
What we offer?
Cash offer (with proof of funds)
As is offer
Fast closing. As little as 7 days
We look at each deal you'll send our way and advise back if interested within a few days. If the deal is not a good fit for us, we'll offer to co-wholesale it with you and market it to the 500+ investors on our list. We only split assignment fee if we bring a buyer. No strings attached
Email your deals to:
Have a Good Buyers List?
Co-Wholesale Our Inventory
We are open to co-wholesaling opportunities.
Join out mailing list and distribute our properties to your buyers.
We are fair, honest and pay at closing.
What Other Chicagoland Wholesalers Say About Us
"I've been working with Lior and his team since 2015. We did over 20 deals together and still counting. Whether he buys my properties or I co-wholesale his, the process is always fast, fair, and transparent. This makes my job much easier.
Marco Guirerra
Chicago Wholesaler

"I started my wholesale career 12 years ago and have done over 200 wholesale deals. Working with cash buyers is not always easy and I found that many just come and go. Since I added Lior to my buyers list in May 2016, we have done 9 deals together. This is by far the most I have sold to a single buyer. These guys are fair and honest and are here to make deals. They always have a bank-logo proof of funds and their process is fast and simple. all deals closed in less than 2 weeks.
Jake Perry
Chicago Wholesaler